River Park Progress Update
A lot has been happening at River Park West Lebanon since the March 9th vote, and it is past time for us to give everyone an update on the progress! Following the March vote and subsequent meetings with the City Council, we initiated the process of completing our Subdivision and Site Plan applications for submission to the City of Lebanon.
Clarification on Blog Comments
Today we received a copy of an email that stated that Friends of River Park was only posting positive comments. This is not accurate. All responses to the blog have been posted.
Understanding The Ballot Before You Vote on March 9th
On Tuesday, March 9, 2010, the voters of Lebanon will have the opportunity to approve an amendment to the Lebanon Zoning Ordinance that will allow River Park to be developed on the former Bailey Bros site in West Lebanon. The zoning amendment was put on the ballot via an initiative petition signed by 138 Lebanon residents in favor of River Park. The following is our rebuttal to the City Council and Conservation Commission statements in opposition to the zoning amendment that appear on the ballot.
The Inspiration for River Park West Lebanon
After the first neighborhood meeting that Lyme hosted to introduce our ideas for the former Bailey Bros. site, I received a letter from a West Lebanon neighbor. In the letter she said, “We recently lost Jean’s Ice Cream Shop. That unassuming little place was a tremendous asset to our community and will be missed. Many older citizens recall fondly the soda fountain in the Red Cross Pharmacy in old West Lebanon. These places had soul, in their own way. I want some soul in old West Lebanon to balance out the lack of it on Route 12A.”
Why the River Park site in West Lebanon is unique.
My goal is to make River Park the best example of smart growth and sustainable practices in the Upper Valley. Come see for yourself. Lyme will open the site on Saturday afternoons (12 Noon-4:00 PM) starting February 13 until March 6 to allow residents to view the scale model of the River Park Master Plan and the surrounding neighborhood.
Lyme's Response to Lebanon's "Principles for a Sustainable Community" (2009)
The following is Lyme’s response to Lebanon’s draft Principles for a Sustainable Community as proposed in January, 2009.