River Park Progress Update

A lot has been happening at River Park West Lebanon since the March 9th vote, and it is past time for us to give everyone an update on the progress!
Following the March vote and subsequent meetings with the City Council, we initiated the process of completing our Subdivision and Site Plan applications for submission to the City of Lebanon. The Subdivision Plan reconfigures the existing lots to reflect the new zoning and the River Park Master Plan. The Site Plan fleshes out the Master Plan by providing more detailed information about the project's layout, buildings, and connection with the surrounding community, including detailed engineering plans for water, electric, sewer and internal roadway plans. Lyme is working to submit both applications in June, allowing the Lebanon planning staff ample time for review prior to the July 12th Planning Board meeting.

Lyme Properties has retained consultants in order to provide a thorough analysis and to complete both applications expeditiously, including the hiring of Holden Engineering & Surveying who have been working in recent weeks to finalize the layout of the buildings, roads, and open spaces of River Park West Lebanon. Holden has completed a series of preliminary drawings of the Site Plan and Lyme has toured the site with them and made adjustments as necessary. In addition, Holden is completing an additional traffic survey and economic analysis of the project to better understand its impact on the surrounding West Lebanon community. Dan Winny and Associates is advancing the urban design concepts, including preliminary massing plans for the buildings.
Abutters of River Park West Lebanon will be given official notice of the July 12th Planning Board meeting as it approaches, and we will continue to update the community and Friends of River Park with information about the various opportunities for public input.
Following Planning Board approval of the Subdivision and Site Plan applications, Lyme will begin the phased development process, with total build-out expected to take 10-15 years until completion. In the short term, we continue to work towards our stated goal of providing public river access by the end of 2010, subject to the approval process of the Planning Board. Lyme has already initiated conversations with the Upper Valley Land Trust regarding a public easement.
As always, we are very thankful for the continued support of the Friends of River Park and welcome all questions and comments. Please don't hesitate to leave a comment on the blog, or email us at info@riverparkwestlebanon.com