Voters Prevail

Once again the voters prevailed. Last night the Lebanon City Council voted unanimously to delay advertising their new zoning change that would effectively nullify Amendment #1 until July 7, 2010. I am satisfied with this outcome. Lyme Properties will work diligently to complete and file the site plan application that protects the River Park Plan. I expect the City Council to honor their pledge and I trust the planning staff will work cooperatively with Lyme to achieve the outcome we all want.

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River Park Zoning Alert!

Apparently, the overwhelming support of the citizens of Lebanon is not enough to deter some members of the City Council from their opposition to the River Park Master Plan.  We discovered this morning that next Wednesday, March 17th, the City Council will vote on a new zoning change that will nullify the results of Amendment # 1.

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Thank You Lebanon!

River Park West Lebanon was overwhelmingly approved by the voters on March 9, 2010. Voters in all three wards supported the zoning change, 1,975 to 949. Thank you Lebanon! We especially want to thank the Friends of River Park who kept the faith and worked so diligently to deliver this victory.

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Understanding The Ballot Before You Vote on March 9th

On Tuesday, March 9, 2010, the voters of Lebanon will have the opportunity to approve an amendment to the Lebanon Zoning Ordinance that will allow River Park to be developed on the former Bailey Bros site in West Lebanon. The zoning amendment was put on the ballot via an initiative petition signed by 138 Lebanon residents in favor of River Park. The following is our rebuttal to the City Council and Conservation Commission statements in opposition to the zoning amendment that appear on the ballot.

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Make Your Vote Count! - Voter Registration Info for Lebanon Citizens

Several people have asked about voter registration and absentee ballots. Here is the information from the City Clerk. Lebanon residents may register to vote at the City Clerk’s office in City Hall during normal business hours between now and Friday, February 26th. Additionally, the Supervisors of the Checklist will accept voter registrations at City Hall from 11:00 to 11:30 AM on Saturday, February 27th. Residents may also register to vote at the polling place on the day of the election, March 9th...

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'Yes In My Backyard' - A Letter of Support From One Of Our Immediate Neighbors

Duff Cummings and his wife Sandy have been attending River Park planning meetings from the beginning, and I have been greatly appreciative of their input on the project and their support for a development in their neighborhood. In fact, the Cummings' house abuts the River Park site...

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The Inspiration for River Park West Lebanon

After the first neighborhood meeting that Lyme hosted to introduce our ideas for the former Bailey Bros. site, I received a letter from a West Lebanon neighbor. In the letter she said, “We recently lost Jean’s Ice Cream Shop. That unassuming little place was a tremendous asset to our community and will be missed. Many older citizens recall fondly the soda fountain in the Red Cross Pharmacy in old West Lebanon. These places had soul, in their own way. I want some soul in old West Lebanon to balance out the lack of it on Route 12A.”

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Is City Hall listening?

In most communities, zoning is the vehicle to achieve what the citizens want for their neighborhoods and to prohibit activities that are inconsistent with the broader policies of the City. In Lebanon, this has not been accomplished because the current zoning ordinance was enacted prior to the 2006 Master Plan and the 2009 Principles for a Sustainable Community adopted by the City Council. Since 1999, the City has been trying to reconcile municipal policy, the Master Plan, and the Future Land Use Map with the Lebanon Zoning Ordinance which is outdated.

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