The Newest Addition to the River Park Site
This past winter will be remembered for its severity for a long time, but spring time is awakening at River Park and it promises to be an exciting year. The newest "siting" on the site is a 1928 Worchester Lunch Car that was relocated to the 167 Main Street portion of the property and stored temporarily for future use in the first building at River Park. This bears some explanation...
October 2012 Update
Lyme has begun to organize our efforts to start Phase 1 of River Park next year. We have started to interview architects for the first building which will combine first floor retail space with office space on the second and third floors. This building is located off Route 10, will be the new entrance to the site, and is situated near the old Bailey Brothers building site. I feel strongly that this building will "set the tone" for quality at River Park, and we will share progress plans along the way.
River Park Update
Things at River Park have been progressing slowly this summer and I want to give everyone an update, especially our neighbors on Crafts Avenue.
Crafts Avenue Neighborhood Meeting
Thanks to all of our friends and neighbors who attended the neighborhood meeting last night. We are grateful that approximately 40 of you braved the inclement weather to learn about the utility and roadwork that will be necessary on Crafts Avenue before River Park can proceed. At the meeting we used this slideshow to briefly recap the timeline and events that have shaped the work that will be done.
Save the date
To help our neighbors better understand where we are in the development process and to discuss the public infrastructure work we have been required to perform, Lyme Properties will be hosting a neighborhood meeting on Monday, May 14, 2012 at 7PM in the community room at the Kilton Library. Much of this meeting will focus on the Crafts Avenue roadway and utility work that must be done before construction at River Park can proceed. This meeting will be open to the public and we especially encourage our Crafts Avenue neighbors to attend.
Notice of Action Arrives
The notice of action has finally arrived from the City of Lebanon.