River Park Prospects Fading

The pace of the permitting process continues to surprise us.  It has now been over 14 months since we formally submitted the Site Plan and Subdivision applications, and there is no end in sight.  Based on the current zoning ordinance and state regulations, the Planning Board should have acted on our Site Plan application by May 19, 2011 and the Subdivision application by July 23, 2011.  Instead, hearings have been continued to August 22, 2011 and September 28, 2011 with no commitment for final action to occur.

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Remaining Items For Site Plan and Final Subdivision Review

On Monday July 11, 2011 the Lebanon Planning Board issued a memorandum outlining the remaining items necessary for the River Park Site Plan and Final Subdivision Review. This was based upon what had been recorded in previous meeting minutes. This past Tuesday, July 19, 2011, we submitted a letter to the City of Lebanon in response to their memo. We have a different view of the remaining tasks to be accomplished, and have provided a checklist incorporating our understanding of the process.

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City Hall Still Doesn't Get It

City Hall still doesn’t get it.  This past week, the Lebanon City Council voted not to accept River Park Drive as a public street.  In a memo to the City Council, the City Manager made the incredible statement that “There is no public benefit to making this a public street.” The two dozen neighborhood residents in attendance to support River Park were as dumbfounded as Lyme Properties.  We thought public access to the Connecticut River, an expanded tax base, job opportunities, an Advanced Transit intermodal facility, and a mixed-use development that keeps cars out of the Crafts Avenue neighborhood was a significant benefit. 

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City Manager Recommends That The Lebanon City Council Not Accept River Park Drive

The second meeting with the City Manager and City Staff was largely unproductive. Subsequent to the meeting, the City Manager posted his recommendation to the City Council that they not accept River Park Drive as a public street. If the City Council accepts the Manager's position as presented, this effectively kills River Park.

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It Is Time For The Lebanon City Council To Support River Park

I am hopeful about next Monday's meeting with the City Manager and his staff, but as I've said before, "the proof is in the pudding." We will update the Friends of River Park on Monday afternoon with the outcome of this meeting, but please mark your calendars to attend the City Council meeting this Wednesday, May 18th at 7:00PM at City Hall. Unless the City significantly modifies the four conditions recommended by the staff before allowing us to connect to the water and sewer system, our only appeal is to the Lebanon City Council.

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Lebanon Planning Chet Clem Lebanon Planning Chet Clem

Breaking News: May 4th City Council Vote on River Park West Lebanon Has Been Postponed

On Monday, May 2, we met with city officials to review the Wright-Pierce analysis and the flow assumptions supplied by the city engineer which we felt were excessive and unsubstantiated.   We were finally given the opportunity, despite previous written requests, to explain why we felt the conditions recommended by the city engineer were overreaching and unrelated to the actual impact of River Park on the city’s infrastructure.

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"Lodged in the City's Regulatory Machinery"

I hope you had a chance to read the article in the Sunday, April 24th edition of the Valley News:  “Big Project: Reviewing River Park”.  If not, please take a moment to read it online as it offers an interesting commentary on where we stand in the approval process, and how we have “become lodged in the city’s regulatory machinery.”

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