It Is Time For The Lebanon City Council To Support River Park

Dear Friends of River Park,

I want to thank everyone who attended our Neighborhood Informational Meeting last night at the Charles T. Wilder Center. Everyone at Lyme is quite proud of the Wilder Center, and I was thrilled to use the space for this particular meeting.

I am hopeful about next Monday's meeting with the City Manager and his staff, but as I've said before, "the proof is in the pudding." We will update the Friends of River Park on Monday afternoon with the outcome of this meeting, but please mark your calendars to attend the City Council meeting this Wednesday, May 18th at 7:00PM at City Hall. Unless the City significantly modifies the four conditions recommended by the staff before allowing us to connect to the water and sewer system, our only appeal is to the Lebanon City Council.

There has been one constant throughout the River Park planning process: the support of our neighbors has always played a significant role in the decision-making.

I ask that you demonstrate your support for River Park on Wednesday, because it is time for the City Council to support River Park for a change.

Have a nice weekend,

David Clem


City Manager Recommends That The Lebanon City Council Not Accept River Park Drive


River Park West Lebanon Informational Meeting at the Wilder Center. Thursday, May 12th at 6:30pm.