Crafts Avenue Work Commences

Lyme had a productive meeting with Interim City Manager, Paula Maville, and municipal staff on July 28, 2016 to coordinate the utility work on Crafts Avenue.

Northwoods installed a job site trailer on the River Park site at the end of Crafts Avenue and John Machia (May'she') will be on site starting August 1, 2016.  Pre-construction work will include marking the existing sewer line and water lines on Crafts Avenue, establishing a haul road for material from Route 10, stockpiling pipe, sand and gravel for the sewer work on the River Park site, and preserving top soil for re-use.

The City Engineer will be selecting a third party consultant to inspect the work on behalf of the City, which XYZ Dairy will pay for.

Lyme has asked Northwoods to meet all property owners in stages over the next 12 weeks in advance of construction in front of their homes, starting from the Bridge Street end.  Each homeowner will be given the opportunity to have Northwoods inspect their sewer line to the street for possible replacement.  This is totally discretionary for each property owner.

If you want to solicit an inspection and quote from Northwoods, please contact Angela in my office and she will facilitate direct contact with Northwoods personnel.  During the bid phase, Lyme solicited prices per linear foot and pipe size for various conditions for your review. (See below).  Final prices cannot be determined without an inspection of your home and any obstructions impacting your existing sewer line.  Given the depth of the new sewer line and the cost of re-connecting to the line at a later date, we recommend that you consider this opportunity.  BUT THE CHOICE IS YOURS TO MAKE.

On a personal note, Kathy and I welcomed our first grandchildren to the family, Gus and Winnie Clem, born on July 26, to Julie and Chet Clem.  What a wonderful way to kick off construction for River Park!

Prices per linear foot per pipe size diameter

Prices per linear foot per pipe size diameter


Crafts Avenue Sewer Work Update


Crafts Avenue Preliminary Work Starting Next Week