Crafts Avenue Preliminary Work Starting Next Week
We hope to begin mobilization for the utility and street improvements on Crafts Avenue, starting Monday, July 25, 2016. Initial work will include locating a job site trailer at the northern end of Crafts Avenue on River Park property for Northwoods Excavating. This will be the site office for John Machia (Ma'Chee') and Leet Ware Construction. A request has been made to Liberty Utilities for temporary power.
Northwoods will also delineate the area for temporary residential parking to the east side of the extension of Crafts Avenue. This was a good suggestion from neighbors at the meeting at our office on July 7 and we have consulted with abutters who agreed.
Northwoods will also begin scraping off topsoil and stockpiling it nearby for re-use. This will allow construction materials for Crafts Avenue (pipe, stone, gravel, sand, etc.) to be stored on the River Park land during the utility construction. We have also made available an area for Northwoods to park construction equipment.
Yesterday, I met with our attorney to review and approve a Security Agreement with the City regarding the Crafts Avenue work which is a necessary condition of our Site Plan and Subdivision approvals. This will be forwarded to the City Manager and Planning and Zoning Director by the end of today. It will hopefully be ready for execution after we meet with City officials next Thursday.
Paula Maville, the Interim City Manager, has initiated a constructive dialogue with Lyme Properties which is much appreciated.