Vital Communities Highlights Need For Housing In Upper Valley

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Lyme Properties attended the Vital Communities Fall 2019 Business Leaders Housing Breakfast on November 1st, and we encourage everyone to read the recent studies completed about the need for housing in the Upper Valley. Presentations from this morning’s breakfast meeting can be found on the Vital Communities website. You can also read the January 26, 2019 OpEd by Vital Communities in the Valley News: “The Housing Shortage Affects All of Us”

In addition, Governor Sununu’s “Recommendations and Plan to Address New Hampshire’s Housing Shortage” was published on October 30, 2019.

The regional need for housing, and the City of Lebanon’s prioritization of housing development is one reason why we applied to expedite the construction of the multi-family housing component of River Park. Previously approved as Phase 7, Building 8 was recently approved for construction as Phase 1-B. Since the improved phasing plan was approved by the Planning Board on September 9th we have been moving forwards with the development of this phase in conjunction with 100 River Park Drive, which we expect to initiate construction on in April 2020.

Building 8 will proceed as initially approved: a 125,125 S.F. apartment building constructed just west of 100 River Park Drive, on Lot 2. The exact unit-mix will be determined during the architectural design process and will be informed by market analysis. We anticipate the unit mix will shift more towards Studio, 1-Bedroom, and 2-Bedroom units.  We have already started receiving interest in the building. To be added to the mailing list, please email to receive future communications about apartments at River Park.


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