Passed by Public Vote, March 9, 2010
River Park Zoning Map Amendment Voter Petition
River Park West Lebanon was overwhelmingly approved by the voters on March 9, 2010. Voters in all three wards supported the zoning change, 1,975 to 949.
We especially want to thank the Friends of River Park who kept the faith and worked so diligently to deliver this victory. We now want to turn our attention to working constructively with the Lebanon City Council, Planning Board, Conservation Commission and municipal staff to make River Park the best mixed-use, smart growth development in Lebanon. This is a clear victory for the neighborhood.
Zoning Map Amendment Voter Petition
In order for River Park to move forward, the citizens of Lebanon, NH must vote on March 9, 2010 in support of a zoning amendment to allow mixed-use and smart-growth development at the River Park site. The process for a voter initiated petition is mandated by the existing Zoning Ordinance of the City of Lebanon.
To implement the River Park Master Plan, a simple amendment to the existing zoning map of the city is required. The voter initiated petition proposes to rezone approximately 9 acres of the 38 acre site from R-3 to CBD (Central Business District) and an adjacent 9 acres from R-3 to IND-L (Light Industrial). The majority of the parcel will remain in R-3, including the areas immediately adjacent to existing residences on Crafts Avenue, the entire Connecticut River frontage, and that portion of the site abutting existing residences to the north.
The CBD designation is required because it is the only existing classification in Lebanon that allows residential, office and retail uses in the same structure, structured parking garages to service adjacent lots, and multi-family housing. The IND-L designation is required because it is the only existing classification in Lebanon that allows research laboratories.
The configuration of the two changes reflect the River Park Master Plan and provides cluster development and additional setbacks from the existing residential neighbors.
138 Lebanon residents signed the zoning petition and the City Clerk certified the petition on October 30, 2009. All of the abutters and commercial neighbors have either testified or sent letters of support to the City. The petition must be ratified by the voters of Lebanon and will be on the Election Day Ballot on March 9, 2010.
Click here to open a new window to view a complete copy of the zoning map amendment petition.
Valley News, March, 2010.