Why is the 1 River Park Building Permit in N.H. Superior Court?
Following 7-months of delays in 2022-2023, the construction of 1 River Park was due to start April, 2024. This was after we had sent a memo to the City on August 3, 2023 saying “WE ARE NOW RESTARTING”
Conversations with a potential tenant were underway, and
On January 5, 2024, River Park sent a letter to the Lebanon Planning Department that read:
On February 1, 2024, with no communication from City Hall since August, the Planning Staff elected to declare the permit expired and invalid. This was in contradiction to the written decision and directions received from the same Staff last year. After a series of appeals, this matter is now being addressed in Grafton County Superior Court.
On January 5 2024, River Park updated the Planning Department that our Architect and Construction Manager were working toward an April 1, 2024 (when the City's winter excavation moratorium ends) commencement of construction. On February 1, 2024 we received a 40-page letter invalidating the Permit. On May 6, 2024, the Lebanon Building Code Board of Appeals overturned the Building Inspector and reinstated the permit, and River Park re-started development efforts. On June 5, 2024, at 4:30pm on the 30th day of the 30-day appeal period, the City's Attorney filed an appeal of the appeal decision with the State appeal board.
Additional Info:
1/5/24: Update Memo
2/1/24: Invalidation letter
3/27/24: Appeal filing (148pgs)
5/6/24: BCBA 4-1 vote to overturn
6/5/24: State BCRB filing
7/31/24: BCRB remands to BCBA
9/13/24: Lawsuit filing