7/10/23 Lebanon Planning Board: Request to Eliminate Burdensome Conditions on River Park Approvals; Appeal of Administrative Decision
There are two issues related to River Park on the July 10, 2023 Lebanon Planning Board Agenda.
Here is the Full Planning Board Agenda Packet from City of Lebanon Planning Department, and additional information about each item can be found here.
Item 3.C: Request for Amendments to River Park Approvals
Out of the initial Proposed Path Forwards email sent on April 7, 2023 following the fourth stoppage of River Park due to City Hall, two items (#7, #9) that fall within the Planning Board’s jurisdiction are before the Board.
The requested amendments to the River Park approvals that would adjust for delays incurred, enable River Park to move forwards without burdensome conditions, and protect our investments to-date in West Lebanon.
Item 3.D: Appeal of administrative decision
We are appealing the City Staff’s decision in response to River Park’s request to temporarily connect the 1920s Worcester Lunch Car to the water & sewer lines we installed last year. That decision, and subsequent communications from the Planning Staff, jeopardized the Hootenanny and we lost a really great local business looking to come to West Leb.
The last-minute suggestion that ongoing events and temporary structures at River Park required Building Permits and/or Zoning Permits do not align with the City’s ordinances, past decisions, or comparable events.
Item 3.C: Proposed Amendments
Presentation Deck (7/10/23)
Red-line correcting mistakes in Staff Memo PB2023-22-SPA
River Park’s initial application letter (5/8/23)
Note: we opted to drop Item #8 for now until these matters– and the issue before the Appeal Board– are resolved.
Item 3.D: Appeal of Admin. Decision
Presentation Deck (7/10/23)
Additional information submitted refuting the Staff Memo we received the day-before the first hearing.
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