N.H. and Ecuadorian Muralists help brighten up River Park Pop-Up Area

Muralist Sam Paolini (@sam_pao_) of the NH-based Wrong Brain artist collective (@wrong_brain) has done a number of fantastic murals in Lebanon, and will soon be doing two more murals along the West Lebanon Greenway route. This past weekend they were joined by visiting Ecuadorian artists Fio (@colanegra_) and Pino (@pinosupay) who were visiting for a residency at Wrong Brain, and we invited to come paint two billboards at River Park. We all expected the work to take the two days they had allotted, but after the murals were finished on the first day they moved on to painting one of the two Worcester Dining Cars that we have on-site. The murals and dining cars are part of a pop-up area that we’re working on, seeking to bring activity to River Park and at the trailhead during construction on the first phases.


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River Park's "Kendall Square Has Lousy Skiing" Ad runs in Boston Globe