Crafts Avenue Completion Schedule

As you know, completion of the utility work, sidewalks, and final paving on Crafts Avenue was suspended last November by the City Engineer due to weather conditions.  Fortunately, we were able to complete all of the underground work, reconnect all of the water and sewer lines to each property on Crafts Avenue, and install the binder course of asphalt on the street.  Now that winter is finally over, we now have a schedule to complete the work on Crafts Avenue that was a condition of the permitting for River Park.  At this point we are not aware of any additional work requested by the City as part of their contract with Nott’s Excavating to install the new water line, make new water line connections to Chandler and Beyerle Streets, and add additional drainage catch basins.

Nott’s Excavating will resume work on Thursday, April 25, 2019, weather permitting.  They will remove the temporary binder course in the sidewalk areas they installed last fall when they were informed by the City Engineer that final paving would not be approved until this spring.  Thank goodness Nott’s installed temporary paving given the difficult winter we have all experienced.  They will also restore all areas that were disrupted during the deep excavation for the new sewer and water lines along the edge of each property line and driveway, including any damage caused outside of the municipal right of way.

It is important to note, especially for those who recently purchased homes on Crafts Avenue, that the City mandated that only existing curbs, sidewalks, and driveways be replaced on Crafts Avenue from Bridge Street to Beyerle Street.  In other words, if no sidewalk, curb, or driveway was in place prior to the start of construction along your property line, none will be added.  For the most part, there were no sidewalks or curbs along the east side of Crafts Avenue from Bridge Street to River Park, but existing driveways will be protected.

The City Council did accept the Planning Board’s recommendation that a new asphalt curb and sidewalk be installed on the west side of Crafts Avenue from Beyerle Street to River Park, so there will be a pedestrian connection from Bridge Street to River Park.  The prep work for this new installation will be done by Nott’s Excavating as they prep for the replacement of the original sidewalks.

Blaktop Paving will start paving on Monday, April 29, 2019, weather permitting.  The first phase of the paving scope will be to install new asphalt curbs according to the plans approved by the City.  Once this is complete, Nott’s will prep for the new asphalt sidewalk and finish the transition areas, including any necessary grading changes at the driveway locations.  This may take up to two weeks, depending on the weather.

Blaktop Paving is scheduled to start the final paving on Monday, May 13, 2019 from Bridge Street to River Park.  Nott’s will be responsible for traffic control and I urge neighbors to use the free parking area at River Park off Route 10, to keep all vehicles off Crafts Avenue until the paving is completed.  Final paving may take two full days to complete.

I urge every neighbor to help monitor the safety of small children during this final construction period since heavy equipment and trucks will be involved.  Let’s all “drive friendly” and be vigilant for pedestrians, young and old.

If you have questions, please contact Angela McCanna at the Lyme Properties office:  603 676-7800 x 3 or


Crafts Avenue Tree Work


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