Light at the end of the tunnel!

Dear Neighbors,

I want to provide an update on the Crafts Avenue sewer line installation as well as the installation of the new water main.

The new sewer line has been installed to the manhole at Beyerle Street. The depth of the excavation at this end of Crafts Avenue is much shallower, so the excavation should go faster. The above ground sewer bypass and pump are in place to reach Chandler Street and it will be disconnected at the driveways on the east side of Crafts Avenue nightly after any new laterals are installed and tested. All of the temporary blue water feeds to the individual houses are installed and there should not be any further water shutdowns until the new water main is completed and new connections made to each house. Even then, it will impact only the individual house being connected and it should not take more than an hour each according to Nott’s personnel on site.

The installation of the new laterals on Crafts Avenue (the sewer lines from the new, 18” pipe to the existing sewer lines from each house at the Right of Way) have commenced on the Bridge Street end and will progress quickly up the street next week. This will allow Nott’s to bring on a new crew to install the new water main in the street, commencing from Bridge Street. Again, this trench will be much shallower than the sewer line and should go much faster than the sewer.

Nott’s expects to complete the new sewer line, manholes and catch basins in the street ahead of the November 1 schedule. The grading, paving, curbing and sidewalk work will be dictated by the schedule of the new water main, but Nott’s is hopeful that this work can be done in two phases, again beginning on the Bridge Street end. The asphalt plants shut down in cold weather, usually around Thanksgiving, but Nott’s remains confident the work can be completed in time.

I have asked the City to allow XYZ to roll over a portion of the Letter of Credit to allow street and utility work in the Crafts Avenue Extension to continue seamlessly onto the River Park cul-de-sac. This was previously negotiated and my request is under review by the City. We have three residential lots under agreement in River Park and I hope to close on those agreements prior to the end of this calendar year.

The residents of Crafts Avenue have been extraordinarily patient and understanding during the construction. In appreciation, Lyme and XYZ will celebrate the completion of the Crafts Avenue infrastructure improvements on Saturday, November 3, 2018 at 4:00 PM, so mark your calendars. I will be cooking Texas style BBQ on the River Park site. The former Westboro Ticket Office, relocated to 167 North Main, will be finished and available to seat residents, contractors, and invited guests should the weather be cold or rainy. Lyme will also have displays of the River Park open space competition for your review and questions. We will announce the winner of the competition and our plans for improving the open space along the river.  This will be a family event so bring your children. The BBQ will be served around 5:00 PM and a more detailed invitation will follow.


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Progress Continues