Final Vote on River Park Application?

Dear Friends of River Park,

The next Planning Board hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, September 28, 2011 at 6:30 PM in City Hall.  The City Manager and planning staff have told Lyme that the Planning Board will have the final staff recommendations regarding approval conditions so that a final vote on our site plan and subdivision applications can occur.  After 15 months, the future of River Park will be decided next week.

If the neighbors want River Park to be approved, it is important that you attend this final public hearing.  Please let Angela or me know if you plan to attend.


Lyme Properties is hosting a Corn Roast on Saturday, October 1, 2011 at 1:00 - 3:00 PM at the River Park site in West Lebanon.  The event will be under a tent and will include hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, baked beans, roast corn on the cob, dessert, and soft drinks.

Lyme will open the corn maze we planted this summer to the public and we invite you to "experience" the saga of the River Park permitting process.  Wear your walking shoes and join the Friends of River Park for old fashioned family fun.  Hopefully, we will celebrate final site plan approval by the Lebanon Planning Board on September 28, 2011.


Another Continued Hearing!


River Park Prospects Fading