For your consideration is a proposal by XYZ Dairy, LLC that the City of Lebanon accept River Park Drive and Lyman Street as municipal streets upon completion of the work according to the plans and specifications already approved by the City. This is specifically important to facilitate public transportation improvements via the inclusion of a 4-line Advance Transit hub at River Park, a plan in motion since 2010, documented in the August 17, 2021 Memorandum of Understanding between the parties, and included as Item #22 in the March 25, 2022 Framework for Public Private Partnership. Both documents have been submitted to the City previously, and are attached for the Council’s reference.
Please note that this is a discrete request solely for item #5 “Qualify Streets for Transit Funding,” within the broader 10-part Proposed Path Forwards for River Park by Lyme Properties ( We anticipate a subsequent appeal to the Council to address other items under your jurisdiction once ongoing items at the Lebanon Building Code Board of Appeals and Lebanon Planning Board are addressed, which have now been continued to the July 11th and June 26th meetings, respectively.