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River Park Groundbreaking Ceremony

  • River Park West Lebanon 173 North Main Street West Lebanon, NH (map)

The first building, designed by Elkus Manfredi of Boston, consists of approximately 60,000 SF on three floors and includes a full basement.

The first floor is targeted for service retail uses, including 5000 SF of restaurant/cafe space with outdoor seating. The second and third floors are permitted for office, medical office, and research users.

Lyme Properties remains committed to smart growth and sustainable architecture. The first building at River Park will establish the foundation for this objective and we believe this gateway building will become a metaphor for public access to the Connecticut River. 

The groundbreaking signals the start of infrastructure improvements to the site, Route 10, and Crafts Avenue. Building construction will commence as soon as the infrastructure work is sufficiently underway, with a January, 2017 occupancy projected for the first tenants.

A special announcement regarding open space at River Park will be part of the groundbreaking ceremonies. Five landscape design firms, previously selected by Lyme Properties, will present their design concepts for the open space at River Park on Saturday, September 26, 2015 at Wilder Center, starting at 10:00am. The public is invited.

This project would not be possible without the support of our West Lebanon neighbors and Friends of River Park. I would like to publicly thank all of our supporters who helped bring River Park to fruition.

David Clem
Lyme Properties

September 22

River Park Landscape Design Boards On Display For Public Review

September 25

Dartmouth Life Sciences & Entrepreneurship Symposium: Energizing the Upper Valley as a Nexus for Venture Development